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The National Federation of Independent Businesses reports in their June 2008 survey that the No. 1 concern for small business owners is inflation.

They report that 29% of small business owners raised their prices last month and 36% plan to raise prices.

Meanwhile, consumer and business customers are cutting back on purchases…especially discretionary ones.

I am in the market for a kayak. People in a crunch are looking around their garages figuring out what they can sell. Some of them have kayaks!

If you have not already, time to get close to those business borrowers who have susceptible businesses. Come to the meeting with some specific ideas for what they might do to increase revenue or decrease costs.

As you hear good ideas, get permission to share them with others. Have huddles at your bank where the lenders share the best ideas they are hearing.

Become the purveyor of good ideas to your customers and prospects.

Meanwhile, I am looking for 12′ to 13′ kayak, preferably under 45 lbs. I’d like a lightweight bent paddle and a PDF just right for a 5’2″ woman.


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Linda Keith

Linda Keith is an expert in credit risk readiness and credit analysis training. She trains financial institutions throughout the United States on both Tax Return and Financial Statement Analysis.
She is in the trenches with lenders, analysts and underwriters helping them say "yes" to good loans.
She moved her in person training online in 2008 to www.LendersOnlineTraining.com with a continued focus on lending to businesses, farm operations and complex individual borrowers.
