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  • Bankruptcy, Deadbeats and Peons: A blast from the past
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In a lighthearted Finance in History series, CFO Magazine follows the thread of Bankruptcy back to its origins.

Here are just a few of the juicy tidbits:

  • The word “bankruptcy” comes from an Italian practice of the Middle Ages — “banca rotta” — which means “bench-breaking.” The term describes the punishment administered to businesses that failed: local fiscal authorities came to the market and smashed the bankrupt business’s table.
  • The first known effort to regulate bankruptcy appeared in the Code of Hammurabi, which dates to Babylon around the 18th century B.C.. The law stipulated that a bankrupt’s possessions were to be divided among creditors in proportion to the amount of money each was owed.
  • By 621 B.C., when Draco ruled Athens, the punishment meted out to “deadbeats” (literally, one who is “completely exhausted”) was death..
  • In the 13th century, if you were lucky you might end up a “peon,” a term that originally described a bankrupt person condemned to work without pay for a creditor until the debt was paid off.

If you enjoy history, this is a quick but fun read. Maybe the bankruptcy rules these days aren’t that bad?

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Bankruptcy, Deadbeats and Peons: A blast from the past

Bankruptcy, Deadbeats and Peons: A blast from the past

Linda Keith

Linda Keith is an expert in credit risk readiness and credit analysis training. She trains financial institutions throughout the United States on both Tax Return and Financial Statement Analysis.
She is in the trenches with lenders, analysts and underwriters helping them say "yes" to good loans.
She moved her in person training online in 2008 to www.LendersOnlineTraining.com with a continued focus on lending to businesses, farm operations and complex individual borrowers.
