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  • KISS: Green Legos, Six Ns and a Map to Tax Return Analysis Slide Show
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Keep it Smart and Simple

This is my ‘Slide Share’ show for anyone wanting a quick intro or review on Tax Return Analysis. If your bank, credit union, mortgage company, finance company, leasing company, factoring company or credit department has anyone whose experience with tax returns came in the ‘boom’ years, they may need a brush-up. Here it is!

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Linda Keith, CPA

Linda Keith CPA is an expert in credit risk readiness and credit analysis. She trains banks and credit unions throughout the United States, both in-house and in open-enrollment sessions, on Tax Return and Financial Statement Analysis.
She is in the trenches with lenders, analysts and underwriters helping them say "yes" to good loans.
Creator of the Tax Return Analysis Virtual Classroom at www.LendersOnlineTraining.com, she speaks at banking associations on risk management, lending and director finance topics.
