Our training has been online for over ten years
31% Improvement
The power of online training
CrossFirst Bank in Kansas sent a team to the Virtual Training on Tax Return Analysis with Linda Keith. Kevin shares his impressions of the training and their results.
Andrew attended Lenders Online Training as his first exposure to 'formal' tax return analysis training. It was engaging enough to keep Andrew engaged.
What our clients say
Loved 'Digging for Dollars'!
I enjoyed the fast-paced learning as well as the one-on-one time Linda spent with us, helping us out with individual calculations. Very helpful in analyzing trouble spots of companies and where to find cashflow. Loved 'digging for dollars'!
Stephanie Vinson
Lending and Collections Trainer, CU of Denver
Excellent reference material to use later.
Excellent training-very good format. Excellent reference material to use later.
Andrea Martin
Senior Loan Officer, Cascade Bank
Easy to follow
The modules are easy to follow and the manuals are helpful in policy examinations!
Petr Rossiytsev
Credit Analyst, Pueblo Bank & Trust