Pigs Can Fly Resources

Pigs can fly resources and success stories

We are at the starting gate in this initiative and getting more information all the time. The information listed below is from the related websites. Email us with your personal experience with any of the listed resources. And share more resources, reviews and success stories.


Rich kid smart kid

The Rich Kid Smart Kid mission is one of education and empowerment. Knowledge is power and the Rich Dad Organization, through its Rich Kid Smart Kid initiative, is committed to improving the financial literacy of children around the world.

At their website you’ll find teacher and parent resources. Their financial literacy game, Cashflow for Kids, is available to parents for purchase and to teachers for free and is geared to grades 3-5 and 6-8.

If you are looking for a program to use in those grade levels, consider having the teacher order the free game and then work with him/her to use it in the classroom.

Feed the pig

A website sponsored by the American Institute of Public Accountants, with articles, tools and information to encourage and assist the 40 million Americans age 25 to 34 to take control of their personal finances. Here is the banner at the top of their page:

Feed the pig
Skip the water. Feed the pig.

360 Degrees of Financial Literacy

Offering free tools and resources to help Americans manage their finances through every stage of life, from
childhood to retirement. Special sections for business owners.

Brass Media

brass|MEDIA Inc. is about young adults, money, and how it affects our lives. Our goal at brass is simple: To provide direct,
intelligent, entertaining content to young adults about the money side of life. Wrapped in a brassy package, one of our brass
packages will help you achieve your goals. From planning your retirement to throwing parties, brass looks at the lives of young
adults and how we handle money.

Financing Your Future

A complete personal finance program on DVD for high school teachers and their students, created by the National council on Economic Education. This personal finance program contains five videos that cover topics such as investing in one’s own human capital, developing a banking relationship, understanding credit and debt, and creating a budget.

Each video is complemented with three standards-based classroom lesson plans that teachers, parents and mentors can use to reinforce the concepts demonstrated in the videos.

Practical Money Skills

A free website designed to help educators, parents and students practice better money management for life. To help today’s youths and consumers of all ages become financially savvy, Visa has partnered with leading consumer advocates, educators and financial institutions to launch this national program to improve the nation’s financial skills.

The site provides online tools and resources as well as free classroom material that educators can use to teach personal finance. Available online or in a binder format, the classroom curriculum offers a teacher’s guide, student worksheets and quizzes and interactive brain-teasers that can be played by students via the Web or from a CD-ROM.

Boys and Girls Club: Money Matters

Created with the Charles Schwab Foundation, this financial literacy program was designed specifically to help teens (ages 13 to 18) expand their knowledge of money management and learn the skills that lead to financial independence and well-being.

The Money Matters: Make It Count program consists of five components: Teen Personal Finance Guide, Program Facilitator’s Guide, Money Matters Web site, Schwab Employee Volunteer Program and the Money Matters Awards. Via the volunteer component, you can pass financial expertise to Club teens through their volunteer involvement.

Enter your zip code on their find a club page to volunteer.

National Endowment for Financial Education: High School Program

Since 1984, NEFE has been addressing youth financial literacy with the nationally known NEFE High School Financial Planning Program® (HSFPP). The HSFPP consists of a seven unit student manual, instructor’s guide, and a dynamic suite of Web pages that offer a large, continually growing collection of resources, articles, and financial tools for teachers, students, and parents.

Foundation for Economic Education

Every summer for more than forty years, FEE has welcomed students to their noted week-long seminars celebrating the freedom philosophy.

Here in a setting ideal for the calm exchange of ideas, with renowned speakers and experienced discussion leaders, is an opportunity for those who seek a better understanding of the foundations of a free society and the market economy. Students and teachers alike enjoy the unique ambiance of a FEE seminar with its stimulating mix of lively presentations and informal discussions.

FEE students are expected to express their own opinions and ideas – and to defend them logically and dispassionately. Unanimity of belief is neither expected nor encouraged.

Personal note from Linda: Both of my sons benefited from these week long seminars. I recommend them. Consider offering scholarships to the FEE seminars for high school or college students.

Internal Revenue Service: Understanding Taxes

The IRS has developed an interactive, instructional tax program called Understanding Taxes to provide high schools, community colleges, and the general public with a technology-based instructional tool.

Divided into two areas of content (the Hows of Taxes and the Whys of Taxes), Understanding Taxes offers both print and online materials to help you learn more about the history, theory, and application of taxes in the United States.

Junior Achievement

Junior Achievement uses hands-on experiences to help young people understand the economics of life. In partnership with business and educators, Junior Achievement brings the real world to students, opening their minds to their potential.

Note from Linda: I make it a point to teach Junior Achievement classes in the elementary schools every year, no matter how busy I am. It is amazing what kids already know! We just have to help them retain that practical understanding of money.

Success Stories

Ms. Maxeme Tuchman teaches SAT Preparation- Verbal, Debate, American Government, and Economics at Miami Northwestern Senior High School, where she has spent the past two years. Her economics classroom has won the Citibank Success Fund award to incorporate a financial literacy program that utilizes the Cashflow 101 program and the Rich Dad Smart Dad texts from the best-selling author, Robert Kiyosaki.

Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants

  • Partnered with the Washington State University Beta Alpha Psi Chapter (Accounting Honorary Society) and the Accounting Department Faculty, as well as the WA Department of Financial Institutions to provide training to incoming freshmen (90+ attendees), attend the student fair (1,000+ attendees) and staff an information booth at the Lentil Festival in August.
  • Collaborated with others to promote financial literacy with a campaign named “Get Smart With Your Money” which targeted college students.
  • Recruited five Beta Alpha Psi Chapters to use the WSCPA Financial Literacy Program materials.
  • Collaborated with others on an all day training for 50 teachers on financial literacy at the WA Business Educators Association meeting. The teachers participated as students and learned about curriculum options and available programs for their classrooms.

Don’t forget to email me with your best ideas and success stories.

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