Tax Return Analysis: When the Numbers Say 'No' but Good Judgment Says 'Yes'

Banking conference program on tax return analysis

Your have businesses requesting commercial and commercial RE loans. And their owners want consumer and mortgage loans. You want to make the loan…if they qualify! That is the challenge.

In this session Linda Keith CPA will help you asses your (and your team’s) ability to use the right numbers and good judgment:

  • Do you and the lending professionals you work with always understand the judgment behind the numbers they pull from tax returns? (What might throw you off?)
  • Are you able to gain insights into the business from the information on the returns? (Do you understand the underlying business?)
  • Do you consider compensating factors of a strong business to use in write-ups and recommendations? (Are your guidelines guides or hard-and-fast rules?)

Linda Keith, CPA and trainer to hundreds of banks and credit unions throughout the United States every year, discusses barriers to getting the numbers and the judgment right. Then she’ll share what lenders and analysts can do in this environment to make good loan decisions even when recent cash flow history does not seem to support it. She’ll help you say ‘yes’ if it is a good loan.

Note to meeting planners: This program will be customized for audience as well as for type of lending; business, farming, consumer, mortgage.

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