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  • Two Year-End Webinars for Bankers
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Things slow down for some of us in December so this is a perfect time to fit in two webinars that will help you and your customers in 2019. Improve your readiness for the next recession. Understand what your farmers should be thinking about as it relates to ag taxes.

Recommendation #1 for December 13th: Credit Risk Readiness: One Decade after the Great Recession

I will be presenting this hour-long webinar for Sageworks, one of the sponsors of the 2018 Credit Risk Readiness Study. Click through to the registration page for the Sageworks Webinar to sign up.

What have we learned? What have we fixed? Are we ready for what is next?

From in-depth conversations with Chief Credit and Lending Officers, outside bank auditors, examiners, bank consultants and credit professionals from senior credit administrators to front-line analysts, a snapshot of our credit risk readiness for the next major credit disruption emerged. The follow-up survey, sponsored by Sageworks, included 250 participants from 235 financial institutions across the United States.

Join Linda Keith CPA, Credit Risk Consultant and Trainer, as she walks you through the actionable insights gleaned from the interviews and the survey. She also draws on her in-the-trenches experience training loan originators focused on business lending, aglending and personal lending to complex borrowers. Add to that, sadly, her experience as a shareholder of the 92nd bank to fail in 2009.

Are we ready for the next major credit disruption? Is your financial institution ready? Are you?
You will learn from your colleagues across the United States:

  • In what areas have we improved from pre- to post-recession, where are we back-sliding and what can we do about it?
  • Loan portfolio warning signs including the mismatch of loan monitoring requirements vs the lack of time and incentive to do it, and the concern about backsliding from prudent lending practices as competition for loan volume heats up.
  • Specific ideas for passing on the necessary lessons learned to our incoming management team and loan originators before the next downturn hits.
  • How their survey answers compare to yours (through polls during the webinar).

Click through to our Credit Risk Readiness page to learn more about the study and order the full report of the results.

Recommendation #2 for December 11th: Year-End Tax Planning Tips for Farmers

Paul Neiffer, a CPA with CliftonLarsenAllen, has a great blog on agriculture called FarmCPA Today. I am an avid follower. If you lend to farmers, join in on his year-end webinar to understand how tax reform is affecting your borrowers.

As 2018 comes to an end, tax reform is still on everyone’s mind. Join CLA for a complimentary webinar with national tax professionals, Paul Neiffer and Rod Mauszycki. Get an update on the tax legislation and how you should prepare for year-end tax filing. They’ll discuss:

  • Section 199A
  • Business interest expense limitation
  • Entity selection
  • Business losses and net operating loss rules
  • Tax rates
  • Like-kind exchanges (Section 1031 exchanges)

For more info on this webinar and to register, click here.

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Linda Keith, CPA

Linda Keith CPA is an expert in credit risk readiness and credit analysis. She trains banks and credit unions throughout the United States, both in-house and in open-enrollment sessions, on Tax Return and Financial Statement Analysis.
She is in the trenches with lenders, analysts and underwriters helping them say "yes" to good loans.
Creator of the Tax Return Analysis Virtual Classroom at www.LendersOnlineTraining.com, she speaks at banking associations on risk management, lending and director finance topics.
